I should have known not to attempt anything complicated for dinner tonight. I have a terrible head cold, and I've been barely functioning for a few days. But my son is at a sleepover, and I was pretty excited to get into some of the recipes I've been saving for those times. I had no intention of making this one exactly as is, I knew I was going to be swapping out beef broth for chicken broth, yellow mustard for dijon mustard and that I was going to do a combination of sliced and shredded cheese. I had no idea how far this was going to go off the rails. I like to line up all my ingredients on the counter before I start cooking, opening any cans, boxes, etc and lining everything up in the order I need it. I did that per my usual, and then went fishing in my cabinet to find my stockpot. I've handed the chore of dishwasher emptying off to my son, and he takes it as a personal challenge to create...