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Easy Batter Rolls

There was a time where I'd see the word yeast in a recipe and just think to myself, nope! and keep scrolling on by, but I've done a pretty good job conquering my fear of yeast over the last few years. I've made apple coffee cakebiscuits, even some beignets

When I made my menu for this week I knew tonight would be pasta, but after a quick freezer check, I had no Texas Toast or anything to serve with it.  I didn't really feel like going to the store, so I searched my Taste of Home Pinterest board for ideas and there were these Easy Batter Rolls.

Nothing draws me in like the word easy.  I even had all the ingredients on hand.  The dough came together in a flash, and I finally used my oven's bread proofing setting to get the rises required.  When it came time to bake, I realized that my muffin tins are pretty beat up, so I grabbed a popover pan instead.

I wasn't sure about how to put them in the pan, so I sort of formed them into a ball and then dropped them into the sprayed cups.  They baked in about 22 minutes.  I removed them from the pan and then I brushed the tops with garlic butter that has basil and parmesan cheese in it. 

Thank you so much to Thomasina B. for sharing her super simple, super delicious recipe!  Do you have an amazing recipe you'd like to submit to Taste of Home? Follow this link and learn how! Want to apply to be a Community Cook?  Check out the requirements and apply here

Easy Batter Rolls

Easy Batter Rolls


  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 package active dry yeast (1/4 ounce)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 large egg
  • Melted butter
  • Grated Parmesan cheese


  1. In a large bowl, combine 2 cups flour, sugar, yeast and salt. In a saucepan, heat water and butter to 120°-130°. Add to dry ingredients; beat until blended. Add egg; beat on low speed for 30 seconds, then on high for 3 minutes. Stir in remaining flour (batter will be stiff). Do not knead. Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled, about 30 minutes.
  2. Stir dough down. Fill 12 greased muffin cups half full. Cover and let rise until doubled, about 15 minutes.
  3. Bake at 350° until golden brown, 15-20 minutes. Cool for 1 minute before removing from pan to a wire rack. Brush tops with melted butter. Freeze option: Freeze cooled rolls in airtight containers. To use, microwave each roll on high until warmed, 30-45 seconds.
rolls, bread, yeast
Bread, rolls, side dishes


  1. These look delicious! I'm going to have to try a batch!


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